



Midlands Meander是一个艺术家、商店、餐馆和住宿的集合,赋予了“艺术和手工艺”这个术语新的含义,大约20年前由达尔尔陶工伊恩·格伦尼(Ian Glenny)发起,他的作品包括瓷器、石器和陶土,他的地址简单地说——“右边的第一个农场,达尔尔”。

一个令人兴奋的自行车道,它提供了一种替代模式,以应对当前和不断增加的不适当开发和“确立”的威胁中部地区由古都扎信托基金会(Guduza Trust)设立,为那些“尾部装甲”的人提供机会,骑着它穿过土著森林,经过巨大的古树、草原、宽阔的蓝色溪流和岩石瀑布。详细信息请联系曲径机。


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我很幸运能真正住在达格尔山谷,但我仍然对世界的这一部分感到高兴,过去的一周尤其值得探索。首先,一个人的脚踝有一种美味的秋天的寒冷,天气晴朗而湛蓝。其次,这是蝴蝶季节,许多蝴蝶在花园和森林边缘盘旋。这是出去走走的好时候。周末,我漫步游览了中部地区著名的一些创意景点。在Corrie Lynn and Co,坐落在Petrusstroom路(Petrusstroom Road)旁的一个红色旧谷仓里,我真的被手工制作的毡靠垫迷住了。毛毡不仅是手工制作的,羊毛也是从杰弗里羊身上剪下来的(我在外面遇到了他),手工纺和手工染色!这些颜色的灵感显然来自于在农场上漫步的Nguni牛群。Corrie Lynn & Co以木制家具而闻名,他们尽可能多地使用当地的木材,当然不使用地球上日益减少的森林。我被罗宾·福勒用剩下的蕾丝木、雪松和黑檀木制作的“秘密盒子”迷住了。 This small chest of drawers only opens in a particular sequence, so is perfect for storing treasures and special memories. Next was St Verde on the D666, where Sharon Trickett indulges her passion for all things succulent. This spectacular feast of cacti, agaves and other interesting plants is so unexpected in the misty midlands that I spent ages simply absorbing the shapes and colours of this splendid nursery. Fortunately, a tall glass of homemade lemonade and delicious tomato tart were available to allow me to linger in the walled garden a little longer. These places open for the last weekend of every month, so mark your diary and take a drive out here one slow Sunday. Just down the road is Meander icon, Dargle Valley Pottery. Exuberant and charming Josh, Ian Glenny�s oldest son is running the show these days. As always it was fun to explore the nooks and crannies in this shadowy gallery � all filled with hand thrown tableware, lamps and their famous outdoor fireplaces. There were bargains are to be had and I headed home with a few more one-of-a-kind bowls to add to my collection. Earlier that morning I had popped down to Greg�s Farm Stall next to Thokan�s to top up on local veg � I found old fashioned cucumbers grown just up the road and plump butternuts and gem squash grown nearby too. I simply had to have a couple of their delectable pecan nut tarts for teatime. Their little fridge is always full of treasures � divine Boerenkaas cheese and farm butter too. The cucumbers desperately needed some yoghurt, so I headed for Piggly Wiggly to buy some of Gilly�s (Wana Farm) natural yoghurt and couldn�t resist a couple of real French baguette while I was there. Unfortunately, I hadn�t got up early enough for the Country Pumpkin Farmers Market at Lion�s River � who knows what treats I might have discovered? Later in the week, I joined a small group to wander in the mist-belt forest at Kilgobbin Cottage. On the first Thursday of every month, long time resident Barend Booysen hosts walks in the forest beside his home. There are still some really big Yellowwoods (home to the rare and endangered Cape Parrot) which obviously escaped being felled for timber because of forks in their trunks. Old saw pits provide evidence of this pioneering activity. We admired a few protected Prunus africana and a strangler fig vigorously overtaking a giant Celtis as well as a Cape chestnut which blew over in a violent �tornado� last year. The walk was mostly easy but a steep climb to a Lemonwwood tree reputed to be about 2000 years old was really worth the effort! This old tree is quite hollow and it didn�t take much imagination to believe that a pixie or two might reside there. Many of the forest trees are fruiting at the moment and attract crowds of birds. During quiet moments we heard an Emerald Cuckoo, lots of Prinias and Cape Batis calling and marvelled at the swoosh of red as Knysna Loeries flew overhead. Autumn is a great time to take a drive in the Dargle, picnic besides the dam at Corrie Lynn and Co, climb up iNhlosane or stock up on creative inspiration.













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